


i'm feeling uninspired when it comes to photo-taking and i hate every picture i've recently taken. as you might imagine, this really bothers me.

i'm thinking a new photohunt might spark something for me and that's where y'all come in.

in the comments, please suggest items for a new hunt. come on, it'll be fun. get creative!

i need at least 10 items. please don't fail me!!!



confidence/inspiration recession



a few days ago drew proposed that we interview each other and share our answers. he came up with the questions and here are his answers. check his blog for mine. i'm not sure if they've been posted yet but you should check out his blog regardless as he is an amazing photographer.

1. favorite concert - tool halloween / or the last tool show in albany

2. favorite word - cull

3. favorite thing about rainy days - gasoline in puddles

4. car song - radar love - ministry cover

5. today's lunch - italian hero, no tomatoes no onions that shit is for the birds

6. what you did last night- drank wine and started a story with help from the homie matt

7. favorite dj - kid koala

8. last meal - bacon cheeseburger

9. funeral song - three days by jane's addiction or lateralus by tool

10. favorite drink - black beers or blood red wines

11. last book read - currently reading the corner by david simon and ed burns (not that jerkass who married christy turlington)

12. title of your biography - how to bury a ghost

13. what do you love - lauren (she bad yo)

14. pockets - phone, wallet, lighter, cigarettes, inhaler, irony

15. afterlife? - see any alex grey painting

16. if you could go back in time who would you kill - eve

17. beatles or stones - STONES

18. favorite wire character - bodie and or wee bey

19. eric roberts - master of all

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