

this had to be said

i truly did not want to have to make this post as i realize it will come across as bitchy. however, i need to get this off of my chest, especially since i don't want to bring any of it with me to vermont.

i have been making music (by myself; with mark, brett and linde) for most of 2009 and posting it online at www.myspace.com/1derpants. i have been trying to use facebook to generate interest in this to no avail. i am discouraged, annoyed and disappointed by this. it's extremely disheartening to be excited to share something you made (something you feel is the best thing you've done yet) only to have it be met with silence. to have this experience over and over is maddening and leads to quite a lot of self-doubt.

i understand i'm not making masterpieces. however, i know this much - if any of you guys were making music (or anything else for that matter), alone or with some of my friends, i'd be extremely excited to check it out and i'd definitely offer feedback.

ok, i'm done.

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