

show your bones

new yeah yeah yeahs leaked today.
looking forward to wednesday's
commute to and from work.
yeah times three.

cry out for the humandancesandwich

this song has been one of my favorites since i first heard it just about a year ago. if i was a real dj i would play the poop out of it . the last time i was a fake dj (at reed's party), however, it did not get played. it just felt wrong for that particular crowd. i did have a lot of fun playing fake dj that night (with some assistance from phat nick) and inspiring scenes like the one above. at least, until nick's ipod disappeared. i'm not gonna lie - i would've cried if it had been mine.

speaking of crying, this song has been known to bring tears. i've recently found a bunch of new songs to which i'm vulnerable and i tend to listen to them more than i probably should for some reason. hmmm. anyway, the album from whence it came was very underrated if you ask me - strong from start to finish, aggressive as hell at the perfect spots and featuring the drumming of dave grohl. yes, please.

i cannot believe you just typed "from whence it came", dick.



this should feel
so much more
when will the wear
of triple guessing
each thought
and every word


this song reminds me of playing basketball in the driveway. two on two. johnnie and a friend versus me and a friend. tom "tucker" o'connor was usually my teammate. johnnie's teammate was that day's selection from a cast of revolving characters. johnnie was a big fan of blasting his boombox while we played. mrs. sullivan, the neighbor across the street, was not. ask my mom - she's the one who answered the phonecall requests for us to lower the racket. so much fun.



grate. just grate.


on loop

from: 5162253587
received: 02/10/06 10:11 pm

fuck you u
fuckin piece of


i'd be his best friend

i don't know if i believe in god,
but it sure would help his case
if i woke up dead
one of these mornings.


85 down peninsula

probably not safe

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