


two weekends ago brett made a visit to the cape. friday night he met up with mark, adam, linde and me at marko's apartment where we shared some drinks and laughs. good times. saturday linde had to leave us after a sweet breakfast. the rest of us headed to the beach that afternoon. woohoo!

three badass beach-goers!!! you best watch yo'selves!!!!

you know you want some.

thumbs up!

his royal greasiness!

fisherman dude makes gulls scatter. it was quite foggy.

"take that, steve!!!"

too cool for school. good thing it's summah!!!!

i love this one because brett and mark remind me of starsky and hutch....or something.

* * *

i headed down to linde's for july 4th. we woke up early friday to hit the chatham parade. amazingness ensued.

linde sports the awesomest july 4th shirt ever!!!!

the lid of america.

old dude rocks some instrument.

yay, america!!!

flags, yo. flags.

chillin' on the ladder, y'all.

i LOVE her. she kicks serious ass. i am lucky.

gun rack, represent.

the chatham a's, yo.

bang that drum!

these dudes rocked a float and they were pretty good.

yay, america!!!


this dude was driving, drinking a coffee AND eating a donut. linde and i were rather impressed.


cheer up little cub scout dude. it's america's birthday!!!!!

ridin' with a tiger.

this dude IS america!!!

lovin' that bow-tie!!!

nothing says "happy birthday, america!" like bubbles from a hippy-gun!

no matter the festiveness in the air, some people just aren't impressed by wheelies. :(

the beatles float was easily the creepiest!

good book!!!


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