with cheeeese
another fantastic weekend
incredible weekend
linde had an entire weekend off so we took advantage of it. we spent friday night with her brother jon, his wife amy and their daughter molly. they're such a fun family!
molly surveys her halloween loot while ruby, the arnold family dog, looks on.
linde tries not to freak out over the spider on her nose while amy whispers sweet-nothings to the dvd player.
jon found a shark costume from his and linde's childhood and linde gladly posed for pictures in it. she also handed out halloween candy as the cutest shark in the whole wide world.
molly, linde and jon the pirate.
jon the pirate and amy the whoopie cushion!! later that night they attended a party together and amy kept the costume on the whole time!! such a fun couple. photo taken by linde.
amy made pancakes for everyone on saturday morning. she turned the first letter of each of our names into delicious breakfast cakes too!!! i was impressed.
molly says goodbye to aunt linde as we leave for portsmouth, nh.
it was cool to land in an important state as far as the election goes. there was definitely an obama excitement in the air that i hope translates into a nh win for him tomorrow. this lady, however, looks like she's seen more exciting days.
portsmouth was also quite into the halloween spirit.
keep out, bitches.
watch step, bitches.
more obama love.
skaterdude not skating, dude.
there was non-stop honking thanks to these signs. obamamania! i can't tell if the lady in the background is sticking her tongue out at me, obama or unconciously making a funny face.
this picture would be so much better without the dudes in the background. either way, this obama fan was the most fun.
linde pointed this one out to me because she's got a great eye. friday night i looked at the last year or so of her photos (she keeps them on her camera for some reason ;) and was blown away by so many of them. no joke!
portsmouth has cool buildings.
we had a kickass lunch and some sweet beers here.
linde took this one (well, duh) of me and the growler we took home for jon and amy from the brewery. i don't look so bad from this angle.
our hotel was within walking distance to everything so once we parked, we didn't need the car until we said "smell ya!" to the port's mouth.
think safe, act safe, be safe, y'all.
linde and i hit this spot for some drinks. we grabbed a sweet spot at the bar on the upper level and had such a blast that we forgot to ask if they sold shirts before we left. how awesome would a fat belly's shirt be? you know you'd wear one.
later that night we stopped at the bar within the sheraton. we watched the celtics get smoked and listened to the bartender sing with the patrons. here, linde races me back to our room.
attendant 75329-eee-ine gives linde her toll change.
we finally got to meet sampson colonna!!!! he is adorable beyond words. tony is mad cute with him too. he and sam have their own language!!!
linde was not a wuss so she held sam.
yay weekend!!!!
linde had an entire weekend off so we took advantage of it. we spent friday night with her brother jon, his wife amy and their daughter molly. they're such a fun family!
molly surveys her halloween loot while ruby, the arnold family dog, looks on.
linde tries not to freak out over the spider on her nose while amy whispers sweet-nothings to the dvd player.
jon found a shark costume from his and linde's childhood and linde gladly posed for pictures in it. she also handed out halloween candy as the cutest shark in the whole wide world.
molly, linde and jon the pirate.
jon the pirate and amy the whoopie cushion!! later that night they attended a party together and amy kept the costume on the whole time!! such a fun couple. photo taken by linde.
amy made pancakes for everyone on saturday morning. she turned the first letter of each of our names into delicious breakfast cakes too!!! i was impressed.
molly says goodbye to aunt linde as we leave for portsmouth, nh.
it was cool to land in an important state as far as the election goes. there was definitely an obama excitement in the air that i hope translates into a nh win for him tomorrow. this lady, however, looks like she's seen more exciting days.
portsmouth was also quite into the halloween spirit.
keep out, bitches.
watch step, bitches.
more obama love.
skaterdude not skating, dude.
there was non-stop honking thanks to these signs. obamamania! i can't tell if the lady in the background is sticking her tongue out at me, obama or unconciously making a funny face.
this picture would be so much better without the dudes in the background. either way, this obama fan was the most fun.
linde pointed this one out to me because she's got a great eye. friday night i looked at the last year or so of her photos (she keeps them on her camera for some reason ;) and was blown away by so many of them. no joke!
portsmouth has cool buildings.
we had a kickass lunch and some sweet beers here.
linde took this one (well, duh) of me and the growler we took home for jon and amy from the brewery. i don't look so bad from this angle.
our hotel was within walking distance to everything so once we parked, we didn't need the car until we said "smell ya!" to the port's mouth.
think safe, act safe, be safe, y'all.
linde and i hit this spot for some drinks. we grabbed a sweet spot at the bar on the upper level and had such a blast that we forgot to ask if they sold shirts before we left. how awesome would a fat belly's shirt be? you know you'd wear one.
later that night we stopped at the bar within the sheraton. we watched the celtics get smoked and listened to the bartender sing with the patrons. here, linde races me back to our room.
attendant 75329-eee-ine gives linde her toll change.
we finally got to meet sampson colonna!!!! he is adorable beyond words. tony is mad cute with him too. he and sam have their own language!!!
linde was not a wuss so she held sam.
yay weekend!!!!