on january 11th linde and i headed out to california to spend 8 days with her brother, his wife and their 15 month old daughter and had such an incredible time. linde and i had never spent so many days together in a row and it truly was an awesome experience. and the weather....oh, the weather.
i don't feel right posting strictly about our awesome trip, however, without addressing the hunt y'all helped me create. so, without further ado, here we go. please note that some of these are stretches so i apologize in advance.

we got these drinks at the california pizza kitchen in santa barbara.



what goes better with chicken and beef than a nice tall glass of crap champagne?

this dude looked like he may have a pickled liver. speculation, of course.

not an actual sloth but a koala at the san diego zoo. stay classy, koalasloth!!!

this turf looks itchy to me. more speculation.


tusk of an elephant from the san diego zoo.

i found these in my suitcase when i started to pack.

after i took this picture, someone walked up behind me and said "hey, you just took a picture of jazzman. he's good, right?" he was good enough that i could have seen him at the innauguration.


linde and i brought her niece, nina, to the park and she was like a little kid magnet. this little girl in the tube behind her followed her around the park, all up in her grill. creepy.


throw-back pats jerseys.

cemetary section of the santa barbara mission.

biggest threat to society
okay, maybe not the biggest threat to society. but let me tell you, i was scared poopless taking this photo.

pissed off
i'd be pissed off if i had to deal with plane poop.
wit's end
this dude looks kinda frazzled.

linde and i walked as silently as possible inside the san juan capistrano mission as we weren't entirely sure we were allowed in there.

mexican sunday
this was a suggestion that didn't make the list. however, since i forgot to bring the list to california, i thought it had made the list and was excited to see this on the back of a menu.
there you go, yo. more on california to come.
on january 11th linde and i headed out to california to spend 8 days with her brother, his wife and their 15 month old daughter and had such an incredible time. linde and i had never spent so many days together in a row and it truly was an awesome experience. and the weather....oh, the weather.
i don't feel right posting strictly about our awesome trip, however, without addressing the hunt y'all helped me create. so, without further ado, here we go. please note that some of these are stretches so i apologize in advance.
we got these drinks at the california pizza kitchen in santa barbara.
what goes better with chicken and beef than a nice tall glass of crap champagne?
this dude looked like he may have a pickled liver. speculation, of course.
not an actual sloth but a koala at the san diego zoo. stay classy, koalasloth!!!
this turf looks itchy to me. more speculation.
tusk of an elephant from the san diego zoo.
i found these in my suitcase when i started to pack.
after i took this picture, someone walked up behind me and said "hey, you just took a picture of jazzman. he's good, right?" he was good enough that i could have seen him at the innauguration.
linde and i brought her niece, nina, to the park and she was like a little kid magnet. this little girl in the tube behind her followed her around the park, all up in her grill. creepy.
throw-back pats jerseys.
cemetary section of the santa barbara mission.
biggest threat to society
okay, maybe not the biggest threat to society. but let me tell you, i was scared poopless taking this photo.
pissed off
i'd be pissed off if i had to deal with plane poop.
wit's end
this dude looks kinda frazzled.
linde and i walked as silently as possible inside the san juan capistrano mission as we weren't entirely sure we were allowed in there.
mexican sunday
this was a suggestion that didn't make the list. however, since i forgot to bring the list to california, i thought it had made the list and was excited to see this on the back of a menu.
there you go, yo. more on california to come.
happy 2009!!!
i'd like to wish all y'all a happy new year!!! personally, i'm a little sad to see 2008 in my rearviewmirror as it was easily one of my favorite years. but i am more than excited to see what 2009 has in store.
thanks to everyone for their help with creation of the next photohunt. it was a difficult process due to all the amazing suggetions but i whittled them down to a list of 20. here they are for whoever wants to play along:
1. fancy
2. chasm
3. afternoon
4. chicken & beef
5. pickled
6. sloth
7. itchy
8. wired
9. treasure
10. lost
11. innaugural
12. charity
13. youth
14. old age
15. nostalgia
16. contentment
17. biggest threat to society
18. pissed off
19. wits end
20. silently
lastly, and certainly not least-ly, it gives me great pleasure to introduce my favorite person's new blog. check it out, y'all!!!!
i'd like to wish all y'all a happy new year!!! personally, i'm a little sad to see 2008 in my rearviewmirror as it was easily one of my favorite years. but i am more than excited to see what 2009 has in store.
thanks to everyone for their help with creation of the next photohunt. it was a difficult process due to all the amazing suggetions but i whittled them down to a list of 20. here they are for whoever wants to play along:
1. fancy
2. chasm
3. afternoon
4. chicken & beef
5. pickled
6. sloth
7. itchy
8. wired
9. treasure
10. lost
11. innaugural
12. charity
13. youth
14. old age
15. nostalgia
16. contentment
17. biggest threat to society
18. pissed off
19. wits end
20. silently
lastly, and certainly not least-ly, it gives me great pleasure to introduce my favorite person's new blog. check it out, y'all!!!!