

pink bikes

this one writes itself.

this post features lots of bikes and tons of pink. just warnin' y'all.

the good ol' american meat raffle!!!!

2 monsters for me, none for you.

may christ be on your side.

talk about a slow speed chase!!!

gotta love our beaches!!!

this guy likes to fish and surf at the same time. the hat gives his multi-tasking, water-related prowess away.

my favoritest.

skimboarding seems like the stupidest beach-related activity to me. i had never seen it before and had to keep asking linde "wait, that's it?"


at the carwash!

adam and mark cannot come to a consensus over how they feel about me.

what are these?

linde and her niece, molly, about to race.

linde's brother, jon, stoking the fire as only he can.

no idea. but pink!!! see?

more pink! linde checking out a wunderpants tune in progress.

carousel in the middle of hyannis. mark, linde and I visited it one sunday afternoon. riding a carousel for the first time in who knows how long next to the one you love as your best friend takes pictures and the sky threatens rain = awesome memory forever.


no bottles need apply.

pink!!! john cougar mellencamp helped build this one (or so i hear).

too cute!

pink!!!! what is a ghea yard?

pink!!! bike!!!

my funny friend.

brett listens to a wunderpants track in progress. robot vegans unite.

maaaaaaa. waiting. see?

anyone want to buy a used shower? anyone? anyone?

do not mess with this man…

or he will throw water-filled condoms off the balcony at you.


upside-down reading is fundamental.

lovin' it?

mark records a new wunderpants track in the mobile studio.

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