


i almost forgot my password

i've definitely been neglecting this space lately, but not on purpose. honestly, i think about updating it quite often.

sometimes i think that i posted more often when i was less happy about life. if that is the case, it would make sense that i haven't updated much over the past year or so. i can honestly say that i am happier with my life now than i've been in quite some time.

first and foremost, i'm in love with the most incredible woman i've ever met and somehow, someway, she's in love with me. i thank my lucky stars for that every day. i don't know how it happened or why but what i do know is that she is the best thing that has ever happened to me by far. spending time with her is like having a magical machine that just keeps handing out gift after gift, each one more amazing than the last.

as if a magical gift machine wasn't enough, i've been able to reconnect with my parents. i've always been close to my mom and moving back here has made us even closer. just a couple of sundays ago linde and i took her into boston to see "beatlemainia now" at the colonial theatre for her birthday. after that we headed to the town spa for dinner. my mom thanked us over and over and told us the fact that linde was able to join us made it even more special for her.

i never had much of a relationship with pops. he worked nights and blew off steam away from the house on the weekends when my siblings and i were growing up. i actually kind of resented him for not being around much back then. however, moving home has done wonders for our relationship. we laugh and joke with each other all the time. just a few hours ago we hung out in the living room, talking and watching basketball (and the celtics weren't even playing). i never, ever saw that in our future.

i've also been able to reconnect with some of my closest friends (hi mark and adam!). we've spent countless hours over the past two and a half years laughing with and at each other. i forgot what that was like which sounds silly but is oh so true.

i work with cool people which makes waking up every morning pretty easy. they like to discuss music and have gotten me into fantasy sports which helps make the week go more quickly.

the fact that i didn't know what to share has also played a role in the infrequency of my updates, i'm sure. most recently when i was updating regularly, i thought i was pretty good at photography and was therefore eager to share my photos. the feedback was great and made me feel like maybe i'd finally found that something i'd been desperately searching for since college that i was good at. but i've been in quite the rut with photography lately. the post prior to this one took 2 hours to compose between gathering the pictures, uploading them to photobucket, resizing them so that they display nicely and then actually posting them all. i felt like it was a lot of work for not much feedback and my confidence took a hit. but maybe if i'd been posting more regularly, people would still check in here like they used to and would find multiple posts with less pictures per post. one gigundo picture post probably makes commenting more difficult.

before the multiple photo posts, i actually used to just share my thoughts/writing under a single photo if any at all. i miss writing like i used to back in those days, at which point i also wrote in a notebook. i don't do that anymore which probably ties back to me being really happy.

so, you may be wondering what that strange photo up there is all about. it was taken over martin luther king jr. weekend at drew's place on long island where i spent three days recording, taking pictures and laughing with a friend i don't get to see nearly enough. we started a myspace page to post some of the stuff we recorded. i fully realize that by sharing it here i'm opening myself up to more silence/rejection over a music project. but i'm proud of our collaboration and at the very least, the mypace page is a document of a great weekend.

whoomp, here it is: campfire deathcamp.

thanks for reading/listening.

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